Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Big Razorback Island

From our camp I used to take the "Woomobile" out over the ice to do watercolors from the "heated cabin". That meant that the temperature was up from in the minus forties Fareinheit almost to the freezing point. Still, I managed with a thermos of boiling water to thaw the brushes. This was a watercolor I did on one such day, of "Big Razorback" Island, one of four islands poking out of the sea ice. Together, these "Delbridge Islands" form the rim of an ancient volcanic crater, mostly submerged. I could see the four islands were in a circle, somewhat like Deception Island on the Peninsula, but here one could drive into the middle of the crater, whereas at Deception, one could sail in. Unlike Deception, this crater was inactive, so no hot springs warmed this frigid landscape.

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